El día 29 de marzo se desarrollarán en nuestro Departamento los siguientes seminarios, de acceso libre: Yulia Gryaditskaya, 12:00-12:45. Seminario del DIIS, Ada Byron Title: Do you speak sketch? Abstract: Sketches are the easiest way to externalize and accurately convey our vision and thoughts. In my talk, I will discuss our ability to create and understand sketches, how this task can be accomplished by a machine, as well as how AI can help humans to become more fluent in sketching. I will discuss differences and similarities in working with single-object sketches and scene sketches. Continuing our journey of understanding freehand sketches, one might observe that sketches are a two-dimensional abstraction of a three-dimensional world.
Studying how to generate a sketch from a 3D model is an old problem, yet not fully solved. In my talk, I will focus on the inverse problems of retrieving and generating 3D models from sketch inputs. Bio: Yulia Gryaditskaya is an Assistant Professor in Artificial Intelligence at CVSSP and the Surrey Institute for People-Centred AI,where she leads the Computational Creativity and Modeling Lab (CCMLab) and is a codirector of the SketchX group. Her main research interests lie in AI, sketching and CAD for creation and creativity. Before joining CVSSP, she was a postdoctoral researcher (2017-2020) at Inria, GraphDeco, under the guidance of Dr. Adrien Bousseau, where she studied concept sketching techniques and worked on sketch-based modeling. She received her PhD (2012-2016) from MPI Informatik, Germany, advised by Prof. Karol Myszkowski and Prof. Hans-Peter Seidel. Her PhD focused on High Dynamic Range (HDR) image calibration, capturing HDR video on a mobile device, tone mapping of HDR content, structured light fields, and editing materials in such light fields.
While working on her PhD, she spent half a year in the Color and HDR group in Technicolor R&D, Rennes, France, under the guidance of Dr. Erik Reinhard. Valentin Deschaintre, 13:00-14:00. Aula A.07, Ada Byron. Title: Virtual material creation in a material world Abstract: In the last 20 years, virtual 3D environments have become an integral parts of many industries. Of course, the video game and cinema industries are the most prominent examples of this, but cultural heritage, architecture, design, medicine, all benefit from virtual environment rendering technologies in different ways. These renderings are computed by simulating light propagation in a scene with various geometries and materials. In this talk, I will focus on how materials define the light behaviour at the intersection with a surface, and most importantly how they are created nowadays. I will then discuss recent research and progress on material authoring and representation, before concluding with open challenges to further help artists reach their goals faster. Bio: Valentin is a Research Scientist at Adobe Research in the London lab, working on virtual material creation and editing. He previously worked in the Realistic Graphics and Imaging group of Imperial College London hosted by Abhijeet Ghosh. He obtained his PhD from Inria, in the GraphDeco research group, under the supervision of Adrien Bousseau and George Drettakis. During his PhD he spent 2 months under the supervision of Frédo Durand, at MIT CSAIL. His Thesis received the French Computer Graphics Thesis award 2020 and UCA Academic Excellence Thesis Award 2020. His research cover material and shape (appearance) acquisition, creation, editing and representation, leveraging deep learning methods.