Manuel Silva Suárez


Manuel Silva

Prof. Manuel Silva Suárez

Sevilla, 1951 – Zaragoza, 2022

University of Zaragoza



Manuel Silva, Catedrático de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática en la Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura de la Universidad de Zaragoza desde 1981, miembro del Instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería de Aragón (I3A) y del Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas (DIIS), nos ha dejado el 28 de noviembre de 2022.


Manuel se incorporó a la Universidad de Zaragoza en septiembre de 1978 tras finalizar su doctorado en el Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (Francia). Fue profesor agregado y fundador del Departamento de Control Automático (1978), hoy transformado en el Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas. Sus intereses de investigación están relacionados con los Sistemas de Eventos Discretos siendo bien conocido por sus contribuciones sobre el análisis estructural de las redes de Petri en todo el mundo. Introductor del paradigma formal de las redes de Petri en España es autor del libro pionero “Las Redes de Petri: en la Automática y la Informática” (Editorial AC, 1985). Co-autor del libro Practice of Petri Nets in Manufacturing (Chapman and Hall, 1993)  y coeditor del Control of discrete event systems. Perspectives of automata and Petri nets (Springer, 2012). Pionero en robótica en España, fue impulsor y director técnico de ROBOTICA, la Feria de Robótica (FNOM de Zaragoza, 1984-1989), y coeditor del libro Inteligencia Artificial y Robótica Industrial (Publicaciones de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 1985).


• Decano de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial (1987-89), y del Centro Politécnico Superior (1989-93).

• Presidente de la CONAI (Consejo Aragonés de Investigación, 1993-95) y de la Comisión de Investigación e Innovación de la Comisión de Trabajo de los Pirineos (1994-95).

 • Medalla de la ciudad de Lille (1996).

• Miembro de la Real Academia de Ingeniería de España (2000).

Premio del Colegio de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación (2001).

• Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad de Reims-Champagne-Ardennes (2005).

• Miembro de la Real Academia de Ciencias de Zaragoza (2014).

• Premio Nacional de Control Automático (CEA/IFAC, Comité Español de Control Automático/Federación Internacional de Control Automático, 2018).

• Diploma de Honor del Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Industriales (2020)

• Editor y coautor de la enciclopedia Técnica e Ingeniería en España, coeditada por la Real Academia de Ingeniería, la Institución Fernando el Católico y la Universidad de Zaragoza.






Mensajes de condolencia para la familia:



Manuel Silva, Full Professor of Systems Engineering and Automation at the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Zaragoza since 1981, member of the Engineering Research Institute of Aragon (I3A) and the Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering (DIIS), has left us on November 28, 2022.


  Manuel joined University of Zaragoza in September 1978 after finishing his PhD in Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (France). He was aggregated professor and founder of the Department on Automatic Control (1978), today transformed into the Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, becoming full professor in January 1983. His research interests are related to the Discrete Event Systems being well known for his contributions on structural analysis of Petri nets in all over the world. Introducer of the formal paradigm of Petri nets in Spain authored the pioneering book Las Redes de Petri: en la Automática y la Informática (Editorial AC, 1985). Co-author of Practice of Petri Nets in Manufacturing. (Chapman and Hall, 1993) and co-editor of Control of discrete event systems. Perspectives of automata and Petri nets (Springer, 2012). Pioneers in robotics in Spain, was promoter and technical responsible of ROBOTICA, the Int.Fair of Robotics (FNOM de Zaragoza, 1984-1989), and co-editor of the book Inteligencia Artificial y Robótica Industrial (Publicaciones de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 1985).


Dean of the High Technical School on Industrial Engineering (1987-89), and of the High Polytechnic Center (1989-93).

• President of the CONAI (Aragonese Research Council, 1993-95) and of the Research and Innovation Committee of the Working Commission of the Pyrenees (1994-95).•Medal of the city of Lille (1996).

•  Medal of the city of Lille (1996).

Member of the Royal Academy of Engineering of Spain (2000).

Award from the Association of Telecommunications Engineers (2001).

Doctor Honoris Causa by the Univ. of Reims-Champagne-Ardennes (2005).

Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Zaragoza (2014).

National Automatic Control Award (CEA/IFAC, Spanish Committee of Automatic Control/ International Federation of Automatic Control, 2018).

Diploma of Honor from the Official College of Industrial Engineers (2020)

Editor and co-author of the encyclopedia Técnica e Ingeniería en España, co-published by the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Fernando el Católico Institution, and the University of Zaragoza.


Condolence messages for the family:








Very sad news! I remember Manuel from several meetings, starting with a PhD defence (Javier Esparza) in Zaragoza, and continuing all through our careers. I remember all those Spanish guys sitting around a table after the defence, eating very nice Spanish food (grilled tomatoes and so on) and Manuel happily joking amongst them. We then met various times during the Basic Research projects DEMON and CALIBAN where I learned about the very nice Spanish work on linear algebra, traps, and all the rest of it, which was influenced very much by Manuel, if not even initiated by him. I also admire very much his ability to attract a bunch of excellent students, many of whom are now in senior positions. I also remember fondly his lectures given in English, some on "passing messages", which sometimes sounded like "passing massages" to my ears. It is only a week ago that I re-read parts of his TCS paper of 1997 because I wanted to know what exactly was the statement there about the realisability of (minimal) T-invariants. Unfortunately now, Manuel must be, and is, sadly missed. My condolences go to his family and to those nearest to him.

Hello owner, Thanks for the well-organized and comprehensive post!

I met Manuel in 1986 in Oxford when attending my first international conference and had the chance to discuss with him about my work in such a way that I could improve it.. Since then we had several joint works and every time, I was impressed by his deep understanding of fundamental problems in our field. In addition to be an outstanding researcher, he was very kind and always took care of me during my sojourns in Zaragoza. My condolences go to his family and to those nearest to him.

Hi webmaster, Your posts are always well structured and easy to follow.

Un fuerte abrazo a la familia. Manuel ha sido un gran referente internacional, y un faro a nivel nacional de cómo hacer investigación de impacto. Su legado es difícil de igualar. Mucho ánimo.

Dear family of Manuel Silva, this is very sad news to hear that Manuel, a great Petri net scientist who has influenced so many of our academic lifes, has passed away. I still remember meeting him during the Petri nets conference in Japan in 1996 (after reading his many papers for my PhD work), when he invited me to visit his research group in Zaragoza. I took this chance a little later for some months, and still Zaragoza feels like a "second scientific home" for me because of that great time. The research topics and collaborations started by that (and the little spanish that I learned back then) still influence my research work. I will always admire how Manuel was keeping such a friendly and open atmosphere in research collaborations.
He will be missed, condolences to his family!

I am very sad to learn of Manuel's passing. He was both very competent and extremely open-minded, with an exceptional seriousness and kindness. I would like to send my sincere condolences to his family.

Hi admin, Thanks for the educational content!

Dear administrator, Well done!

Hello admin, Thanks for the well-researched and well-written post!

To the admin, Thanks for the great post!

Hello owner, Your posts are always a great source of information.

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Mis más sentidas condolencias a toda su familia y allegados. Como profesor durante de mi formación universitaria, le estoy bastante agradecido por la pasión y entrega mostrada, además de su labor y contribución a la ardua tarea investigadora. Paz en su tumba.

I met Manuel in a European project in the early 2000's. Besides being a first class researcher admired by all of us, he was an extremely friendly person, easily accessible to all, with much attention to young researchers and students. I remember long exchanges on our common field of interest : epistemology and the evolution of technologies, where he had significant contributions as an historian and an editor. Meeting casually Manuel in conferences was always a great pleasure. I am extremely sad that this will not happen again.

Querida Familia Silva-Ramón,
El deceso de Manolo nos ha consternado a toda la familia; es una gran pérdida. Aparte del mérito de sus aportaciones científicas, apreciamos su bonhomía, humor y amplia cultura.
Aunque nuestros encuentros eran poco frecuentes, disfrutamos de agradables y largas conversaciones con vosotros donde actualizábamos datos de la familia y componíamos el mundo, casi siempre compartiendo comida picante y tequila.
Descanse en paz Manolo, incansable caminante que hizo camino al andar.
Reciban un afectuoso abrazo de nuestra parte: Ernesto, Maribel (su "prima"), Mariana y Alejandra.
Dios los bendiga a todos.

Manolo me acepto como doctorando en su grupo en 1987, cuando yo acababa de licenciarme en Fisica y no tenia ni idea de Informatica. El me introdujo a la investigacion en general y a las redes de Petri en particular, un area que me fascino y que nunca he dejado de lado. Gracias a Manolo, durante la tesis pude trabajar en proyectos europeos que me abrieron muchas puertas y me permitieron continuar mi carrera en Alemania. Tenia energia y entusiasmo ilimitados. Se va demasiado pronto, pero deja un gran legado. Mi mas sentido pesame para su familia.

We are very sad to learn of the passing away of Prof. Manuel Silva (Manolo for his friends). He was an excellent researcher in many aspects of the Discrete Event Dynamic Systems and specifically in the development of the Structure theory of Petri nets exploited in many application fields.

But for us in Torino, he was a mentor that guided directly and indirectly the growth of our research group interested in the application of Petri nets for the performance and reliability evaluation of computer and communication systems. He was the first colleague who appreciated the mixing of timed and immediate transitions in Petri net models, suggesting however the need of exploiting structural analyses before proceeding with the numerical solution.

During the 80’ many members of our groups in Torino and Zaragoza exchange reciprocal visits that set the ground for an extensive and fruitful period of cooperation from 1990 until 1998, under the umbrella of two European Research Projects. Lately the collaboration continued with individual contacts always with the certainty that we could count on the vast knowledge of Manolo in case of need.

Manolo was also an excellent expert of arts and history and we all remember his erudite explanations during the visits of the Aljaferia castle in Zaragoza.

We will miss him greatly, but his teachings will remain with us.

Our condolences to his wife Maria Regina, to his sons Manuel-Guillermo and Alejandro ant to his close friends and colleagues

Marco Ajmone Marsan,, Gianfranco Balbo, Gianni Conte, Susanna Donatelli, Giuliana Franceschinis, Matteo Sereno

To the admin, Thanks for the well-structured and well-presented post!

Hello admin, Great content!

Hi admin, You always provide great examples and case studies.

Desde del grupo GITSE queremos transmitir a la familia de Manolo Silva nuestro más sentido pésame.
Nos ha impresionado recibir esta triste noticia. Poco podemos añadir a las numerosas reseñas y muestras de afecto anteriores a las que nos sumamos.
En este difícil momento simplemente queremos enviar a su familia y amigos más cercanos un abrazo muy fuerte.
Luis, Belén, Miguel Angel, José Mª, Chema, Ana, Silvia, Beatriz, Mónica, Eduardo y Miguel

Mi más profundo pésame en estos duros momentos. Espero y deseo que el enorme dolor que estáis sintiendo se vea aliviado pronto al recordar la vida y experiencias que habéis compartido.

I feel very sad about the news of Manuel's dead. During my research stays at Zaragoza and during several conferences it has been a pleasure for me to have discussions with Manuel on Petri nets and the development of the field.

Mi más sentido pésame a la familia, Todavía no me puedo creer que se nos haya ido de esta manera. El hueco que nos deja es irremplazable.

Manuel has been a pillar of our research community in the last forty years, has been instrumental in the development of the discrete event systems domain and has been a role model and a guide for scores of younger researchers. He has left, us but his scientific legacy and seminal contributions, his contagious enthusiasm, his limitless intellectual curiosity and his joie de vivres will always be with us.

Manuel has been a mentor and a friend to me since we first met in Troy while I was a PhD student at Rensselaer. We have shared in these 30 years so many activities and enjoyable moments.

My deepest condolences to Regina, Alejandro and Manuel and to all the friends at the University of Zaragoza.

In italiano, perchè ogni tanto a lui piaceva parlare nella "lengua nuestra"
Superfluo ricordarne i meriti scientifici, mi piace ricordare quando, in occasione del suo anniversario di matrimonio, venne in visita da me in Italia e mi chiese di portarlo al porto di Baia, ove era ubicata l'antica base navale dei Romani, presso Napoli. Stava infatti scrivendo un libro sull'arte militare. La sua gioia nel vedere ciò che avete sempre solo letto o immaginato era impressionante, quello sguardo voglio ricordare sempre di lui.
Riposa in pace!

Dear Manuel, it has been an honor to meet you, to spend time with you in so many places all over the world. It has been an honor to work with you and write papers together. It has been an honor to visit you in Zaragoza. I will never forget you and your great enthusiasm for the life. As soon as I met you the first time, I have been surprised by how many passions you had, in addition to your work. I have so many history books written by you. This is really extraordinary! I also remember how close you were to your family, to all your friends, and to your students: for some of them you were almost like a father. I will never forget all of this! Rest in peace! A hug to your wife and suns. Carla

Hi webmaster, Thanks for the well-researched and well-written post!

Hi owner, Your posts are always well organized and easy to understand.

Hi owner, Your posts are always well-supported by facts and figures.

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Dear Manuel,

I was so sad to hear this news. You were not only a great researcher but a special man.
My best memories of you are in the WODES conference, with you refusing to talk to me in English and repeatedly speaking in Spanish, assuming I could perfectly understand everything (while of course I did NOT) and telling me with a wide smile “Llámame Manolo!” (Call me Manolo!).

Rest in peace.

Warm condolences to the family.


Hi administrator, Your posts are always well presented.

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Manuel has been an extraordinary researcher with a wonderful personality. He has inspired many researchers over the years and his passing is a great loss to the Petri net community.

My deepest condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.


Dear administrator, Thanks for the well written post!

Dear owner, Your posts are always a great source of information.

Hi owner, Thanks for the well-presented post!

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